From dreamland

Photography is the art of dreams and lies. Although nothing is real, sometimes, all seems very beautiful. Thus, Linda Tuloup, with her plastic Holga camera, takes pictures of sleeping bodies that seem to be recumbent statues out of a dream. Just a small glimpse at them and they take you straight to dreamland – this disturbing place, a place of anxiety where people seem to be lying at the bottom of a precipice or on an unknown battlefield.
Dreamers, where are you going – won’t you ever come back ?
It’s a well-known procedure : Linda Tuloup uses a « superimpression » or « double exposure » technique, which is, after the first botton release the negative doesn’t move, waiting for a second or even a third picture. That’s all ? Yes !
But the witnesses of these pictures, just as the actors, do not inevitably, or at any rate, continuously walk along the banks of the Styx river or into Hades kingdom. Their faces – even when one is burning in hell – are always soothing and enchanting : lovers, sleeping after making love, women on their backs, in the clouds, satisfied, their white eyes on white sheets.
Do you know ? There are still many more hours before dawn…
Hervé Baudat